tavoitteena on kehittää innovatiivista ammatillista koulutusta yhteistyössä viiden eri Euroopan alueen asiantuntijoiden kanssa fossiilisista polttoaineista luopumiseksi vaiheittain ja edistää Euroopan kehittymistä fossiilisista polttoaineista vapaaksi maanosaksi.

SEED on ammatillisen koulutuksen huippuyksiköiden (CoVE) ohjelma. Huippuyksiköt ovat osa Erasmus+ -ohjelmaa, jonka tavoitteena on perustaa kansainvälisiä foorumeita koskien mm. aluekehitystä, innovointia ja osallisuutta.

Tavoite 1

Varmistaa, että opiskelijoilla ja nykyisillä ammattilaisilla on
arvittavat taidot ja osaaminen tulevaisuutta varten

Tavoite 2

Alueiden sisäisten yhteyksien vahvistaminen alueellisiin tarpeisiin perustuvan
innovoinnin voimaannuttamiseksi

Tavoite 3

Lisätä ja edistetään työssäoppimisen houkuttelevuutta alueellisia vaikutuksia ja osaamista koskevien johdonmukaisten kriteerien pohjalta

Tavoite 4

Kansainvälisen oppimisyhteisön perustaminen tiedonvaihdon ja kouluttajien ja käytännön osaajien liikkuvuuden edistämiseksi, mahdollisuuksien tarjoamiseksi kotimaisille opiskelijoille ja lopulta yhteisen
tulevaisuudenvision kehittäminen

Tavoite 5

Perustetaan kullekin osallistuvalle alueelle ammatillisen koulutuksen huippuyksikkö, joka tarjoaa korkeatasoista ammatillista osaamista

Ammatillisen Koulutuksen Huippuyksikköä

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2 weeks ago

Project SEED
🎉 Exciting News from the University of Western Macedonia - Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας’s good practice! 🌎 ✨We're thrilled to announce the launch of an innovative Professional Postgraduate Programme: "Modern Electric Distribution Networks – HEDNO(Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network) ". This groundbreaking initiative is a collaboration between the University of Western Macedonia and the HEDNO, marking a significant step towards integrating the labour market with the scientific community through energy transition and innovation. 🔌 💡The programme is designed to equip HEDNO executives and graduates from Engineering and Science Departments with advanced skills in the development and intelligent management of the national electricity grid. A total of 40 HEDNO employees and 15 graduates will receive applied training in state-of-the-art technologies, focusing on energy planning and transforming the national grid to support distributed generation and electrification. 🏛 📚 The launch was celebrated at a special event at the University Campus of Kozani, highlighting the importance of this collaboration under the new 2022 institutional framework for universities. For more information on how this programme aims to shape the future of electric distribution networks click here: lnkd.in/dn2QtupzLet's power the future together! 💫#education #training #energytransition #energy #reskilling #opportunity #university #development #project #vocationaleducation #skills #SEED #Education #Partnerships #Sustainability #UoWM ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Project SEED
💡Curious about good practices?As advocates for a brighter, greener future, the SEED partners have collected the most reputable good practices from their respective regions.🔎Care to know more? Let's sow the seeds of knowledge and nurture a greener tomorrow by sharing these good practices in sustainable education. So, here’s a nice booklet for you.🔗Click our link to explore it: lnkd.in/dAA_Gv7S#GoodPractices #VocationalExcellence #SEEDPartners #EducationCollaboration #StudentSuccess #TeachingSkills #DigitalSkills #GreenSkills #SoftSkills #HigherEducation #Collaboration #RegionalStakeholders #ResearchInnovation ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Project SEED
🌍This week’s Good Practice comes from TUAS, Turku Machine Technology Center! 🎯Their mission? To support enterprises, educational institutes, and researchers by providing a dynamic environment for R & D skills. 📚They offer wide-ranging training programmes, lifelong learning opportunities, and development services to several regional companies. 💡Click here to learn more about fostering cooperation between business and academia for a skilled workforce and enhanced competitiveness in the metal industry: lnkd.in/d8km_NWC#GoodPractices #VocationalExcellence #SEEDPartners #EducationCollaboration #StudentSuccess #TeachingSkills #DigitalSkills #GreenSkills #SoftSkills #HigherEducation #Collaboration #RegionalStakeholders #ResearchInnovation ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Project SEED
📍 This semester’s SEED Consortium (February 2024) was held in Kozani (Greece).📚 The project’s participating regions had the opportunity to showcase the progress made over the past three months in elaborating the Regional Development Plans for the Centers of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs). More specifically, they had the opportunity to revisit, discuss and refine the objectives, key performance indicators (KPIs), risks, further actions, and deadlines of their respective Regional Development Plans.💡 Ready to dive deeper?🔗Click the link to read the full article: lnkd.in/d2ccBNwW#VocationalExcellence #SEEDPartners #TransnationalMeeting #EducationCollaboration #Collaboration #RegionalStakeholders #SEEDWorkshops #EducationForAll #TransnationalLearning #CollaborationGoals ... See MoreSee Less
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