SEED prepares learners, students and existing professionals with the necessary skills and competencies for the future. SEED also empowers regional innovation based on regional needs, by reinforcing the connections within the regions. Good Practices on teaching and learning, partnerships with industry and educational governance are being selected, enriched, and shared to promote attractiveness of work-based education.

Get an overview of the already implemented Good Practices, download the booklet and find all the information needed to adapt the Good Practice in your region! If you want to get in touch with Good Practice leaders, we invite you to join our community!


Browse online through the project’s Good Practices booklet here!

Good Practices

A Guide to Good Practices

Are you passionate about creating a greener future? Do you want to find out more about good practices in the field of sustainable energy education? So, here’s a nice booklet for you! The SEED partners worked hard to collect the best practices from their respective regions. So, dive into our...


What’s the Good Practice about? With this innovation workshop, we create a place where companies, residents, students, travelers, and researchers enjoy coming together and working on innovations that will make life in this new neighborhood healthier, more sustainable, and more fun. These new concepts are not merely reports, we always...

Vocational Training Digitalization Plan

What’s the Good Practice about? The objective of the practice is to improve the digital skills of teachers and knowledge in new digital technologies, cloud, artificial intelligence, big data, cybersecurity, etc. Groups of expert teachers are formed who motivate their peers to adopt these technologies. Main activities are online courses...

Energía Inclusiva

What’s the Good Practice about? The practice aims to develop inclusive and environmentally friendly energy production systems. Therefore, the main goal is to bring renewable energies closer to VET students through multidisciplinary activities and to involve training cycles with female enrolment in this types of activities. Participating students will develop...

Sustainable Energy Impact  

What’s the Good Practice about?  Sustainable Energy Impact (SEI) is a student project that supports ongoing funded projects of the Sustainable Technologies Laboratory dealing with sustainable energy and mobility concepts for Sub-Saharan Africa. The output of students’ work is not meant for theoretical matters but has a real impact on...

Higher Level VET Programs and developing flexible pathways

What’s the Good Practice about? In a so-called Quest project, students from ROC Midden Netherlands (Central Netherlands Regional Education and Training Centre) and students from University of Applied Science Utrecht work together on a current issue. These Quest projects combine the different educational backgrounds of the middle-level (VET) education in...

Turku Machine Technology Center Ltd.

What’s the Good Practice about? Turku Machine Technology Center is a modern learning, training and development center for enterprises, educational institutes and researchers in metal industries. The Center provides a dynamic and comprehensive environment to serve companies for their research and development activities, supports and fosters cooperation between the industry...

Shell Eco Marathon

What’s the Good Practice about? Participating by teams in the Eco-Marathon competition consists of traveling the maximum number of kilometers and consuming the least fuel. The teams are multidisciplinary and composed of students tutored by academics from their institutions. Initially, the competition was launched in Europe, but later it moved...

Agrocircularity capacity building programme

What’s the Good Practice about? This Good Practice is a training program for young entrepreneurs, aiming at enhancing Circular Economy in the agri-food sector. The practice focuses on agriculture and four sub-sectors (fruit-tree farming, viticulture, medicinal and aromatic plants, and beekeeping). For each of these sub-categories, a training module was...

Cooperation between the VET centre of UOWM and the HEDNO (Hellenic Distribution Network Operator) network

What’s the Good Practice about? The University of Western Macedonia is cooperating with the HEDNO Human Resources and Education departments to upskill the personnel of the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator on the new challenges that the electricity grid is facing, such as the renewable energy sources and energy storage...

Solarleap PV training for VET teachers

What’s the Good Practice about? The practice is all about hands-on learning in the workplace, specifically in recruiting and eventual hiring of new people after their “test period” at the company Solar Finland. The participants develop new skills, such as design skills, teamwork, technical and practical skills since the hands-on...

Public private partnership model COE Smart Sustainable Cities 

What’s the Good Practice about?  The Centre of Expertise Smart Sustainable Cities is a platform established by the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (HU), creating a regional network of companies, local and regional authorities, and knowledge institutions to work together on a sustainable, smart and healthy city. Within the Centre...

Business Region Turku-Regional Development Company

What’s the Good Practice about? Digitalization, globalization, climate change, circular economy and artificial intelligence open new opportunities and introduce new challenges in founding and leading a successful company. Business region Turku /Turku Science Park Ltd. is the portal to the region’s different expert, development and service organizations and their services...

Minor Smart Sustainable Cities cooperation

What’s the Good Practice about? The minor Smart Sustainable Cities is an international one semester study program at the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht. The program has a strong multidisciplinary approach in solving sustainability challenges in the urban environment. How do we solve problems related to energy, mobility, and...

EU financial instruments and funds to support cohesion policies and to enable just transition in EU regions

What’s the Good Practice about?  The Good Practice involves leveraging EU financial instruments to promote and support green employment for engineering and technical employees within the Hydrogen Value Chain. In that direction, an innovative new Hydrogen Skills Strategy aims to facilitate the upskilling and reskilling of students and the technical...

UpTrain- Trial Vocational Training

What’s the Good Practice about?  UpTrain is intended to contribute to redesigning and increasing the attractiveness and quality of vocational training in the commercial-technical area of the mobility industry. This is to be achieved by developing trial advanced training courses, where trial means reflecting the interest of transportation companies, universities...

BObby Energy HUb: Solar charging station for sustainability in micro mobility

What’s the Good Practice about?  The Good Practice is part of the project study BObby Sharing. We search for more sustainable solutions for Light Electric Vehicles (LEV) in shared use in urban areas as an alternative to fossil-fueled individual mobility. Especially in dense areas like the Ruhr area there is...
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