nearly 50 spanish vet schools working together around the seed project (1)

On Monday 22nd May, a meeting was held to launch the CoVE SEED project among the schools in the Valencia region that are working to promote sustainable energy.

Almost 50 VET schools from Castellón, Valencia and Alicante were convened in the auditorium of the Port Authority of Valencia, where they could catch up on the work that has been done so far in the project and the next steps to be taken. Josep Sanz Argent, Director of Energy Transition and Sustainability, spoke on behalf of the ValenciaPort Foundation, which is an associated partner of the project. Josep explained the great work they are doing with the aim of making the port of Valencia a zero-emission port by 2030.

nearly 50 spanish vet schools working together around the seed project (2)

nearly 50 spanish vet schools working together around the seed project (3)

nearly 50 spanish vet schools working together around the seed project (4)

On behalf of the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain’s coordinating partner in the project, Elena de la Poza explained the International Congress that will take place in July 2024 and the possibilities for schools to actively participate in it. In addition, Tania Fernández, from the Directorate General of Vocational Training, explained the Good Practices that will be disseminated from the project and encouraged the schools present to explain what they are working on, highlighting the projects being carried out by the IES Rascanya from València, the CIPFP Luis Suñer from Alzira, the IES El Palmeral from Orihuela or the IES Botànic Cavanilles from La Vall d’Uixó.

After the conference, which was attended by almost 70 participants, the teachers showed their interest in continuing to work collaboratively to achieve the project’s objective.

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