2023 was declared by the European Union (EU) as the EU Year of Skills

2023 was declared by the European Union (EU) as the EU Year of Skills. The EU Year of Skills aims to raise awareness on the importance of developing and promoting new skills, so as to ensure that people of all ages have access to the job market, now and in the future.

The focus will be placed on the development and enhancement of skills related to digital transformation, green transitions, and social transformation. These skills are essential for people to stay competitive in an ever-changing job market. Additionally, support will be provided for career guidance, life-long learning, and skills recognition.

This year is a great opportunity for people to hone their current and to develop new skills. It is a chance to gain the knowledge and experience needed to stay ahead of the curve and to remain competitive.

Moreover, the EU Year of Skills is providing opportunities for businesses and organisations to get involved in addressing the skills shortages in the EU. By working with the EU, they can develop and implement training programmes, workshops, and seminars in order to navigate the labour market changes.

The EU Year of Skills aims to provide the chances for everyone to invest in their own future and to help shape the future of Europe.